Climate election guide
Climate election guide analysed the four Canadian federal parties’ climate plans ahead of 2019’s federal election. The report uses imagery to reinforce the urgency of the issue and to communicate where parties stand. Each party’s potential to effectively address climate change and keep warming below 1.5C based on their platform was communicated cheekily with emojis, ranging from an eyeroll to, well, shit.
This guide offered a succinct analysis to help inform voters concerned about climate change and put politicians’ feet to the proverbial fire.
Circle graphic conceived by Solaye Snider (Stand).
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Coast Funds
Climate Access website redesign
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The Tyee’s Debate-o-Rama
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Frack Free BC action in Victoria
Frack Free BC
Newsletter redesign
The Tyee
EcoAnalytics brand and website
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Election campaign branding and material
Tony Valente, North Vancouver City Councillor
Impact Assessment Act report
West Coast Environmental Law
Salt Spring Island Climate Action Plan
Transition Salt Spring
Recycling Alternative website
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Let’s Go Biking book pages
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Report on BC’s old growth forest
Columbia Institute website
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Building Bridges for Climate Action
David Suzuki Foundation
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The Tyee
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