A beautiful end to August

As August draws to a close, I reflect on past summer’s-ends and my documentations of such in previous posts. (Search for “transient skies of summer” for my 3-part photo series from 2006.) This weekend in Vancouver was a welcome return to normalcy after a week or so of dreadful rain and mist. The last time it rained hard, after a long dry spell, I thought it was fascinating but this time was just simply unfair and, in fact, abnormal! The PNE recorded more rainy days than average and we had 50% more rainfall than is the usual for August. So it makes it all that much harder to accept that summer is drawing to a close, with longer shadows that seem to abruptly take over the yard having lost a week or so’s transition period.
On rainy days though I feel I ought to write, I don’t feel up to it; on sunny days I try to take my energy outside. The longer I let it slide, of course, the more I have to catch up on, and the less excited about each topic I become; however with days growing shorter and cooler, I think I’ll be inclined to stir up those memories by writing of them.
Yesterday I enjoyed reading a few chapters of my novel outside in the sun/shade of the deck (legs in the sun, face in the shade). Bliss. A breeze swept by and reminded me that as we slip into fall the air will no longer be so warm, that when I breathe in the air it will sting my nostrils and I’ll long for how it used to feel. Pretend, even. Now is the time to take advantage.
After a long rainy spell, I wonder whether autumn will be hotter and drier than normal. We occasionally get spoiled by a dry year where jumping in leaves is actually possible. Oh wait, maybe that was last year. I remember those leaves well into winter. And winter… will it be colder and snowier? Not a redemonstration of last year, I hope; that was just too odd and too long-winded, at least where I lived at the time. Who knows, really, but I have a feeling the temperatures will rise the next few weeks. In 2003 when I had my First Year photo taken I was wearing a strappy tanktop; every year since then it’s been too cool to go sleeveless so I’m hoping for a change this time. After last week I should hope so. No more 30+ Celsius, that’s quite enough! I had that at Pemberton to bask one last time. Twenty-three to 27 would be comfortable for me. Or I can fake it with dark clothing. I look at my closet and at what didn’t get worn this summer for various reasons and it’s a bit depressing; maybe I’ll have the chance yet though there’s always next year. Ahh, next year… Less than a year away. And hopefully no more repeats of “Junuary” — that was awful! I’ve had my reminder of what October feels like, too, and it’s comforting at times but I’m steadfastly hanging onto summer.

I’m now quite happy I took two long afternoons at the beach on my own. Swimming, reading, sunbathing… blackberry picking! Contemplating the precious environment, enjoying some music (Tuck and Pepper Sands), biking back and forth. Yeah, that’s the life! If I’m lucky and unlucky too, it’ll be my last summer totally off for a long time but I suspect I’ll treasure it and enjoy it a bit more when I have less free time on my hands. Being here, closer to nature, beaches and family, I know I’ll enjoy it regardless of a work schedule. It’s in my backyard.
Three hours left of August. Summer isn’t over yet, oh no! The season continues and here in Vancouver we’re incredibly fortunate to have moderate weather for quite a while. In fact, I’m planning to hit Vancouver Island’s Galloping Goose trail by bike as soon as possible. As for tomorrow, the first day of September and Labour Day holiday, I think we’ll take the bikes to the Seymour Demonstration Forest (my first ever visit; shame on me!) and salute September like proper Vancouverites: OUTDOORS!
Bring it on, seasons… bring it on. I’m here to enjoy your offerings.
Hey, there’s three more weeks: enjoy it! Happy summer!