September 24, 2006

Unidentified flying object wreaks havoc in Cloverdale

Just kidding… I’m probably the only person who noticed what eventually became a tiny white dot in the sky as four helium balloons, twirling and tumbling, drifted over the small community in Surrey, a lost relic of some child’s birthday party. One red, one white, and possibly two pink balloons, fatefully joined by ribbons (one would guess), destined to land in a yard somewhere, or on a street. Hopefully it won’t land on someone’s windshield and actually wreak havoc. It was moving at a good clip when I spotted it, and by the time I realised it wasn’t about to disappear out of view in the time that I could get a camera, it had moved upwards into the sky and seemed to stay in the same spot awhile. Really, it was making a journey westward. Anyway. I thought it was an odd but delightful sight, and I stared at it for awhile with my binoculars after snapping some photographs. I also captured one of some birds.

a close-up crop

I still remember the day I watched a blue balloon with Jesus something-or-other written on it float down into our yard. It was one of those strange days where I believe I also saw a blimp. I saw a huge Bell blimp again, the manned kind, on my commute home on Friday, but like a crazy person, it seemed no one else saw it, or they just didn’t care. I suppose I have a unique fascination.