August 15, 2006


My bananas, disappointingly, went spotty before they even ripened. At that point, they’re too sweet and squishy for my taste, so I decided to make some banana bread. Mm-mmm. I bought two small loaf pans today. They’re non-stick and I hope they’re not teflon, but it doesn’t say so. Anyway, they’re SO slippery that when I got the pan out of the oven with my oven mitts on it SLID OFF MY HANDS and fell on the floor, spilling my almost-done “bread” on the floor. If it were done it might have slid out but not been ruined. I figured out I had too much banana, as the recipe said 3 or 4, and I had 4 so I used them all, but they were large. Next time I want a cup measurement!

It’s in the oven again, what remains of it. No longer perfect. It’s mushy and now I’m wondering whether it’ll be burnt before it solidifies, and of course, while the chocolate is liquid it’s not going to be solid in there. What a disaster!

The good news is… IT TASTES AMAZING!!!

I used this recipe but added milk chocolate chips and chopped pecans. Other recipes included nuts but required bigger pans and more ingredients.

At least the Angel Food Cake turned out pretty well…