July 3, 2006

hire me!

In high school we were told the stats for acquiring jobs; how little help the newspaper gives and how important networking is. So I’m turning to networking in addition to online ads to see if I can find myself some more work.

Here’s a little rundown of what I do.

I design websites from the ground up, working with clients and responding to feedback. I also know my way around cPanel site management in which I set up and configure email addresses, newsletters, and databases for things like phpBB forums and Movable Type (which I am also learning); plus the usual things like site statistics and subdomains.

I have been designing and building websites for 7 and a half years and am extremely skilled in XHTML and CSS. Now that I have learned what XHTML 1.0 Strict standards entail, I plan to fix in future designs the minor things that keep me in Transitional. Designing for cross-platform considerations is something I’ve become quite adept with. I’ve also learned to be quite sensitive to my audience’s potential visual needs: good contrast for reading and navigating especially for those with compromised vision, larger type OR the ability to increase type (hopefully without damaging the design) for the same reason, and relationships between foreground (text) and background (image) to optimize readability.

The ability for users to navigate easily and always know where they are is a priority, in addition to the role of a website’s consistency in ensuring users know they’re still at the same site.

I also do graphic design for print. My past formats have been posters, brochures, cards, gallery invitations, booklets, books, and CD covers.

For any project I can: design, photograph, draw, illustrate, write, and re-design.

In addition to basic Flash sites, I have done some animation projects in Flash, where I enjoy illustrating. Video is not one of my strongest skills but it can be done.

The programs I am experienced with are:

– Adobe CS (2): Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, ImageReady. I have used GoLive only as an editing tool for Perl scripts.

– Flash MX and Dreamweaver MX. No, I do not use Fireworks. Yes, I have used Flash 8.

– GarageBand, iMovie, iPhoto. Pretty easy.

– Transmit FTP but anything’s easy to learn.

– Any word processing, web browsing, and emailing program.

The languages in which I am fluent are:



– English (no spelling, grammatical, or typographical errors, please!)

– Music

The languages which I know quite well are:

– JavaScript

– ActionScript

– French

The languages I have some (read: minimal) understanding of are:


– German

I am a Mac whiz with quick hands and quick fingers.

I’m available immediately for anything as long as it’s not illegal, pornographic, or within an unreasonable distance or time difference. That said, I don’t have a laptop (yet) and do work from home, but I can work at your design studio (*ahem* wishful thinking?) provided I can get there in a reasonable commute and all necessary programs are provided, on a MAC. I can work on PC, but I’d rather not.

Please do take a look at my portfolio and send me a comment via the email form or a regular ol’ email. My resume is there, too.

While you’re here, I might as well link you directly to some of the sites I’ve done (links open in new window):

O: organic produce (school project)

Society for Community Development

Contemporary Art Society of Vancouver


Pieces (high school project)


I miss eating pears.