Great Bear Sea PFP booklet

Great Bear Sea PFP booklet

Cover of English and French versions, featuring artwork by Anuximana

“The Great Bear Sea Project Finance for Permanence (PFP) initiative will deliver stable, long-term funding to support our Nations in continuing to exercise our stewardship responsibilities, invest in our communities, and work collaboratively with one another and with Crown governments to manage our marine territories.”

This booklet marks the occasion of the signing of this historic conservation and funding partnership, shares the story of the Great Bear Sea, and offers high-level information about the Marine Protected Area network and PFP initiative. It was enthusiastically received at the press event (attended by the Prime Minister and MPs) and mailed to First Nation communities, Crown government partners, funders and supporters.

I was inspired by particular goals articulated in the design brief: to celebrate, show hope for the future, and show the connection of the Indigenous people who have led the story. It was intended as a celebratory booklet for First Nations communities and honours the 17 Nations part of this alliance. Taking all those things together, I wanted to create essentially a gift for those Nations, to make something as beautiful as possible (made easier with stunning photographs provided by the client!), and which demonstrates the enormous weight and value of this historic initiative. It was enhanced by artwork by the very talented artist and carver Anuximana, from the Nuxalk, Wuikinuxv, and Kwaguł nations.

The booklet was produced in English and French. Actual size 10″ x 8″ opening to 20″ x 8″.

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