November 26, 2007


The Monday lunch blog continues with some exaggerated reflection on my eco-crusades.

When it comes to green living, the crazier you are, the better.

The thought of at once ditching plastic bags, canned tuna and tomatoes, non-organic eggs and non-recyclable materials (for example) seems to suggest a need for insanity. It’s not so much that to make a dozen eco-friendly and health-friendly commitments at once is crazy; rather, it’s that doing so wholeheartedly seems to require one to be slightly nutty.

This realisation hit me after watching an episode of HGTV’s Living with Ed, a “reality green show [that] chronicles life with an earth-friendly fanatic,” actor Ed Begley Jr. Watching him go to great lengths to green his home and lifestyle while his wife tries to cope with his antics was like watching myself on a larger scale. My sudden “Oh sorry, I don’t need a bag, thanks!” is often met with a surprised face. (It must be my keen delivery.) Or, “can you please help me find a jar that isn’t #1 plastic?” as my poor boyfriend just wants me to pick one and go. (Ed knows all the numbers off by heart and what they mean.) Next time I will have to explain why I want my tomatoes in a glass jar, but not a premade sauce because I’m sensitive to sugar. I started my job and immediately wanted to make my green workplace greener by ditching the paper towels (legally we can’t), antibacterial soap, and harsh cleaners. I will attempt to recycle anything and everything and insist on reusing my plastic bags when buying my produce. Regular deodorant will no longer suffice, and I swear my next couch will not be stuffed with foam.

While I can’t apply green theory to absolutely everything in my life, I refuse to accept the unacceptable and will confuse as many people as needed to get the right product. They’ll get used to it.

So am I crazy? I think to face the challenges this modern world offers us, 100%, you have to be. So here’s to being crazy — crazy about our environment, our health, and our future.