September 6, 2006

Toxic Nation

Featured in this week’s 24 Hours newspaper is a series on environmental toxins. Today’s was “Toxic nation, toxic families.” Tests done across the country revealed that, “of 68 possible toxic chemicals tested for, a staggering 39 were detected in our children.” The amount of toxins in children were higher than their parents! For more information, including helpful tips, suggestions on how to improve the health of your home environment, and a petition, please visit

What I’m doing to reduce my risk of cancer and other diseases, by making healthy choices (according to the list on the website above, plus some extras):

– replacing my polycarbonate (#7) Nalgene water bottle with polypropylene or polyethylene

– choosing steel and cast iron over Teflon

– choosing fresh and frozen foods, or foods canned in glass jars, instead of canned foods in tin

– using biodegradable, natural dish soap, and avoiding cleaners with chemicals and antibacterial formulas

– opting for wax paper and safe plastic containers instead of plastic wrap, especially in the microwave

– using the stove and oven instead of the microwave whenever possible

– choosing natural materials (cotton, linen, solid wood)

– using The Keeper cup (women only!)

– avoiding store-bought microwaveable popcorn and movie theatre popcorn; using instead organic popcorn kernels cooked in a pot over the stove, with real butter